Kuntanawa Heart of the Boa Rapéh is a sacred snuff meticulously crafted by the Kuntanawa tribe, renowned for its profound spiritual properties and protective energies. This unique blend combines natural Sabia tobacco, ashes of the Sapota tree, and the potent vine known as the ‘heart of the boa,’ or ‘Shamans Vein’ in Portuguese, to create a potent elixir that safeguards against negativity and attracts positive energies.
The Sapota tree ash, known for its gentle aroma and heart-shaped leaves, forms the foundation of this sacred blend. Its presence in the rapéh signifies protection and spiritual cleansing, ensuring that only positive vibrations are allowed to enter one’s energetic space. The addition of the ‘heart of the boa’ vine further amplifies this protective barrier, serving as a potent shield against jealousy, spiritual attacks, and negative influences.
According to the Kuntanawa tradition, the Heart of the Boa Rapéh holds immense power and should be used with clarity and intention. Each inhalation of this sacred medicine is an opportunity to engage in spiritual alchemy, transmuting negative energies into positive manifestations and aligning oneself with the forces of abundance and prosperity.
Beyond its use in rapéh, the Kuntanawa tribe utilizes the same medicinal ingredients in herbal baths and teas, recognising their multifaceted healing properties. Herbal baths, a common practice in Brazilian mystical traditions, serve as potent tools for spiritual cleansing, physical rejuvenation, and magical empowerment.
The shared understanding of the non-physical realm across diverse cultural traditions underscores the universal nature of spiritual practices aimed at cultivating harmony and balance.
This natural product is delivered with no expressed or implied fitness for any specific purpose. It is simply a raw botanical specimen. The product is packaged as a botanical specimen and is not intended, branded, labelled, or marketed as a consumer product.
Each order will be packaged in an amber glass bottle containing your chosen blend bottled in a thick recyclable glass with a screw top for a secured closure.
*All orders are packaged with care and sent the same or next day - Express Post with tracking*
All packaging is recyclable and is plastic free. The samples provided with all orders are in small glass bottles.